Victor C. Gavino
Christ-follower; husband; father; grandfather
Professor (retired)
Nutrition, Faculté de médecine
Université de Montréal
Minister of Word and Sacraments (retired),
Presbyterian Church in Canada
Education, 1973 – 1985
- Bachelor of Science (Chemistry), the University of the Philippines – 1969-73
- Master of Science (Food Science), University of Minnesota – St. Paul – 1975-77
- Doctor of Philosophy (Physiological Chemistry), The Ohio State University – 1977-81
- Post-doctoral studies
- Univ of California-Davis, Zoology (1981-82)
- Univ California-Davis, Food Science and Technology (1982-84)
- Hôpital Notre-Dame, Laboratoire de métabolisme intermédiaire, Montréal (1984-85)
2005 – current
- Bachelor of Theology, McGill University – 2008
- Master of Divinity, Montreal School of Theology – Presbyterian College – 2009
- Master of Sacred Theology, McGill University – 2015
- PhD candidate (Religious Studies – New Testament and Leadership), McGill University
I am truly, finally, and gladly retired. I look forward to next seasons of life: more time with family; more time to continue projects left idle by necessity; more time to truly master the flight controls of my radio-controlled airplanes. Add to this mix my love of the piano, exploration of cultures/countries not my own, international cuisine, Bible studies with long-time friends, theological studies — there will be no dearth of compelling activities. Most of all, I look forward to much more time spent with my dear Grace, my wife and partner of 40+ years.
While still in the workforce (Professor, Université de Montréal) and sensing the call to Christian ministry, I entered seminary (Presbyterian College Montreal) in 2003 at half-time, finishing a Bachelor of Theology (McGill University) in 2008, a Master of Divinity (Montreal School of Theology) the following year. I retired from the Université de Montréal in 2013 after nearly 30 years of health-related research and teaching, and proceeded immediately to church work.
Deeply interested in theology, I finished a Master of Sacred Theology in 2015 and began a PhD in Religious Studies in 2017 at McGill University, cross-disciplinary with the Desautels Faculty of Management. I am now writing my dissertation entitled “Narrative Leadership and the Apostle Paul: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach.”
Life has been rich and full; I do look forward to still more seasons of life, perhaps even more exciting and fulfilling than ever. I am now free to do what I want, when I want, how much of it I want, purely for the joy of discovery and of service to God and the community.