Finn at the lake

My able assistant at log-splitting: my grandson

Doing things together intentionally – a great way to build a lasting bond between grandfather and grandchild.

Doing things together intentionally – a great way to build a lasting bond between grandfather and grandchild. (read more on grandfather-grandchild togetherness)

I have seven grandchildren whose parents live across Canada, from East to West and in-between. I and my wife enjoy immensely whatever time we have with them.

The Covid-19 restrictions that had been in effect for more than a year now has indeed changed our patterns of life. Perhaps foremost is social distancing even with our own children and grandchildren who reside in the same city. Now that the restrictions are being lifted, we look forward to more family gatherings – real get-togethers, not via an online platform. We will once again have that precious opportunity of together activities, that nurtures a special kind of bonding that could not be achieved otherwise.

So it was last weekend that we finally spent a weekend together at our cottage up in the Laurentians. Three generations: my wife and I; my daughter and son-in-law; my grandchildren. For starters, I had been thinking of showing my grandson some log-splitting.

Four years ago I bought myself an electric log-splitter (see here for an opinion on electrics). I got tired of splitting my stash of maple logs by hand with a maul.

My grandson is now 3 ½ years old and the little boy is proving to be strong for his age. Must be his Scottish side: I can picture him as a grown man participating in a local edition of the Highland Games. But last weekend was log-splitting time and the little boy was up to it, carrying logs close to half his size and positioning them properly on my electric log-splitter.

Next time I plan to get him to observe how to take down a dead tree with a chainsaw. I’m certain this will grab his attention – from a safe distance of course. Then he can help me bring the logs to the storage shed for log-splitting once more.

So much more outdoor activities I want to show him. I also wish that I will be able to do the same for other grandchildren, boys and girls. This is one of those times I would rather that this country were not so huge as it is so we could all be within reasonable distance from each other.

Life is good even in the golden years.

1 Comment

Enjoyed you Piano Concert and your log splitting with your grandchild. Keep up creating those experiences with your family because those memories will be your legarcy for them. I wish this pandemic settles and pam and I can visit with you and grace. Be safe

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